That's right! we are back at Betania. Sorry the last post didn't have Friday and Saturday updates but will do it now. Just like I have to get my morning Brazilian coffee fix... I know "Babycakes" (my Aunt Net) has to get an update. Monica had invited us to the Betania Hotel for Friday mid-afternoon till after dinner. The kids were waiting for Berto to arrive and take us. Of course they couldn't wait for the pool. When we arrived we were introduced to Paulo (a friend of Berto and Monica). He is a conductor for 3 orchestras in Curitiba. He has studied and taught at several places in the US... UofM, Boston, NY, Julliard School, etc. He is quite accomplished. He was staying at the hotel for the weekend with his wife and 2 of his daughters. His youngest, Bella, kept the children entertained. I believe I mentioned in the last update that there were a lot of festivals in June. Friday was like their Valentine's Day. So when it was dinner time, we were led to our table which had candles and live music playing Samba... Brazilian style music. I learned there are 6 or 7 different styles of Samba. They were playing the slower, romantic dinner music type... only thing was there were 4 kids at our table. I told Rebekah the next time we go to a Valentine's dinner it would be her and I. Anyone up to babysit? It was a great evening. That brings us to Saturday. Monica had wanted us to come out again in the mid/late afternoon. But she called in the morning and wanted us sooner as it was going to be a nice day. So out we went before noon. Yes... swimming was on the agenda. Kevin and Karla stopped out and I enjoyed a short time with Kevin. He has a heart for missions and especially "unreached people groups". This was the 3rd time the kids had been swimming in the pool. Wellington had been to a pool before but until we came here, the other 3 had never been in a pool. They are pretty brave...they do where "swimmies" though. Gabe has a vest we strap on him. He loves going under water and didn't have much fear. So I tested him. When we were about finished I took off his vest. He goes head first into the water and he did the same. I brought him up but the vest was off... it usually buoys him up and keeps him stable. He started to go back down, but I stopped him right before the water was to his open mouth. We did that 2 or 3 times. He got this look on his face... "what's going on". But he got it. He stopped throwing himself underwater and walked very carefully along the shallow ledge around the pool. Before he could throw himself into and laugh at danger, but that all changed when testing came. He passed very well. I don't know how many times knowingly or unknowingly I have done the same thing. I can do this... it won't hurt me. I have done this a million times... for years... all my life. But who kept me from harm?? An ego, an independent mindset, or an "I can take care of myself" attitude can be dangerous. Believe me I know. It wouldn't be hard at all if we were always in tune with God. When we are tested are we sensitive to realize that something is different, something has changed? Or do we continue on doing things like we always have. God has placed His Spirit in us to help us. Do we want to be helped? Unfortunately, I believe there are people who do not want to be helped. It would be considered a sign of weakness... goes back to the ego/independent thing. I have had to learn over the last 3 weeks that I can't do everything for myself. Whether I want to admit it or not, I have needed help... a lot of help. God is faithful and has provided for our needs through His faithful people here. Thanks Kevin, Karla, Berto, Monica, Luci, Carol, Flavia, the list could go on and on. I hope I pass the test. Back to the pool. When we were finished swimming there was another festival. People were dressing up like the rural Brazilians did years ago... country style. We had a late snack which included foods from that era. There were games for the kids and music. Paulo got out his violin and his sister came and was playing her accordion. Paulo heard I played the accordion and wanted me to try it. I told him it was 3 decades ago... decades... that sounds old. Then there was a bon-fire with dancing and singing. On this trip to Brazil we are experiencing Brazilian culture more than we had before. I am even getting use to greeting men with hugs and women by touching cheeks. It was another full and good day. I will save today's events for the next update. Rebekah is feeling much better. Thanks for all your prayers and messages of encouragement... keep it up!
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