Tonight will be our last night in Curitiba. We certainly look forward to going home, but will miss the wonderful new friends that are here. The children are excited about their first airplane ride tomorrow and I am sure that several times during the day they will ask when are we leaving for the airport. It will be a long day for them as our flight doesn't leave till almost 6:00 pm. We have all of our paperwork ready and would ask that you pray that all goes smoothly and quickly at the US Consulate in Rio. We are to be there Wed morning at 7:45. Then hopefully return on Fri to pick up the visas for the kids. We will be staying with Monica's parents in Rio. They do not have internet at their home so I don't know when I will be able to update again. I will probably check e-mail tomorrow before I leave. We will tour Rio while waiting for the visas and enjoy some warmer weather. I will actually be able to get my shorts out again! As I have said before, the people here at Betanian have been great. I don't know what condition we would be in if it were not for them. We could not say thank you enough to God for His watch care over us and we certainly don't think we are entitled His abundant blessings on this trip. Someone told me that we were special because we were adopting. I honestly don't think that we are... sometimes I might feel like I've gone crazy... but not special. (Now I know that we all are special because God made us, I'm not talking about that.) I almost cringe at the title of being "Special". We are simply obeying what God has laid on our hearts. Some he has called to adopt, others to missions, jail visitation, lawyers, housewives, or prayer warriors. What matters is that you obey God's plan and purpose for your life. How can you know what God would like you to do? For me, it was more prayer (fasting) and Bible reading than I have ever done in my life. When we left for Brazil, I had never felt so strong spiritually. At the same time I had peace even though I was way out of my comfort zone. As I have said before, I am out of the boat and on the waves of a stormy sea. Does that make me special? I don't want to be special... I just want to obey.
God Bless,
Dave and Rebekah,
ReplyDeleteSo happy to know that you are beginning your journey towards home! I'll be praying for smooth flights, smooth paperwork processes, and happy landings . . . and for the homecoming, when your family will all be united! Oh what a happy time that will be!
I love the many things the Lord has shown you on this journey. Much of it has given me true "food for thought", and all of it has given Him the glory! Amazing things He has done in Brazil!
Thank you Dave and Rebekah for getting "out of the boat and walking on the waves of a stormy sea". Four babies lives are forever changed. Your lives are forever changed. Special or not, what you have done is something most would not consider--therefore many consider you "special". The cool part is, people will continue to comment and the Lord will use this again and again for His glory--and you will give it all to Him. And maybe, just maybe more people will be moved to get out of their comfort zones . . . and more babies will come home forever. That, my new friends, is special--in a way only God do!!
Blessings as you travel, May the Lord bless you and keep you.