Laundry...Royalty...Laundry. I'll explain in a few minutes. First an update on Rebekah. This "virus" is hard to pin down. It has given her sinus congestion, chills, aches, and in the night and this morning a very bad headache. She was feeling discouraged. When she lays down in bed her head hurts more. So staying in bed wasn't an option in her mind. So off to breakfast we went. After breakfast we found our laundry all cleaned thanks to Karla and Monica. I then took the kids outside when Monica drove up and asked if she could take us to the Betania Hotel outside of town. She is the manager there. She said she would provide a room for Rebekah to rest in and I could keep the kids occupied at their playground and indoor heated pool. I told her I would go ask Rebekah... just then Rebekah came walking up. I said Monica wanted to ask her something. In a few minutes we had planned to leave in half an hour. The hotel is out in the country and is in a beautiful setting. Trails, pond with a raft, playground, indoor pool, children's playroom, 2 restaurants. Monica showed us around then gave us a room for Rebekah and a room for the rest for us. I took the kids to play and caught up with Rebekah at lunch time. We basically were treated like royalty. After lunch Monica had someone watch the kids and Rebekah and I took a walk. Then it was to the pool. I don't know if the kids had been in a pool before. Wellington wasn't afraid to go underwater but I don't think the others had put their heads underwater before. But by the time we were finished everyone had... even Gabe. He didn't like to be with Rebekah in the water to begin with. He was with me most of the time. Rebekah said he probably felt safer with me. That's funny as I was the one to get him to underwater. He did fine. I just told him I was baptising him... just kidding. After that Monica had more food for us to eat and then it was time to head back. It was great medicine for Rebekah. We were out in the country and she felt like she was getting fresh air for the first time since we arrived. I think it would be very difficult for us to move to a city. We love the country. Rebekah is starting to feel better. When we got back Monica said she wanted the laundry from yesterday. She never stops being a blessing. I saw Berto and told him that he better keep her. He just laughed. Monica explained more of Bertania to us. It is a mission and not a company. They have the hotel in the country and next to each other in town is the Retreat Center and the elementary school. With the "profits" they support around 400 children. They tell us that they want to bless us because we are blessing the 4 children by adoption. I literally do not know what we would do without the people here. I think I sound like a broken record... oh that's right they don't make records anymore... well most of you that are of that era know what I mean (right Frank Gorsline). I would be good advertising for them if any of you lived close enough to stay here. When we got upstairs there was our supper waiting in the kitchenette. (Thanks Luci) What more can I say about the people here. Why God chooses to bless me, I'll never really know and understand. Some will say "you are adopting 4 children, God has to bless you". Living in obedience doesn't guarantee this amount of blessing. As I said before, I don't know where we would be without it. (Maybe) God knows we need it at this time. Rebekah is going to share now.
My heart is so full tonight I don't know where to begin! God never ceases to amaze me and I want to never cease to praise Him! We have been blessed beyond measure here--over and over again!! I prayed before coming that my health would not be an issue on this trip as it is so often. That first week when Gabe was so sick I was his constant nose-wiper, holder, nurse--you moms know the rest. I guess he shared it with me and the rest is history. David has mentioned the cold to you. No break, since the buildings are not heated. I did not pack for such. Over and over I was brought hot "cha" (that's tea) and more warm clothes and blankets. David was given aid with the children so I could rest. But it was literally to painful to rest. Today we were taken to the country for the first time!!! What an absolute refreshment to the spirit and body!! I didn't realize just how cold I'd become--all the way through! I don't know how people do city life. For the first time in 3 weeks I realized I hadn't heard the voice of my Lord in the gentle breeze, the softness of the hills and trees. I was overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord to care about our spirit's rest and refreshment in this intense time with these children. How easy it is to overlook when we get caught up in our responsibilities to them 24/7. My mother's heart yearns for my children back home too and I long to hold them, love them and hear their voices. Our dear friend, Monica sensed all of these things and felt we needed the break from the city to be refreshed and rejuvenated. What an unbelievable blessing she has been. I love how God answers prayers before we even pray them or know how to pray! Thank you God!
I want to thank my children at home for being willing to sacrifice their "Mom and Dad moments"--you know, the play times, vacation time, summer swim time, talk time and night time back rubs so that we can learn to love the unloved and share our hearts with them. Thank you from the children that tonight got to sing "Jesus Loves Me", got to jump in the pool to "Pai"--for the first time, get to learn John 3:16 and get their backs rubbed as they fall to sleep. Thank you my children for sharing Jesus with these precious little ones who soon will be home and part of you. We love you! God is good and our prayers are with you all. Thank you all who have been so faithful to pray on our behalf!!! You have no idea the impact your prayers are having here in Brazil tonight. You are a BLESSING! THANK YOU!!!
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