We woke up to sunny skies today. I had it all planned in my mind. Get around have breakfast and coffee... then hang up the wet clothes to finish drying. Well I did get them hung and they dried most of the way before the clouds and light rain set in for the remainder of the day. Just after lunch the place cleared out and it seems weird not to see hardly any activity. Today being Sunday is hard as we would like to be in our church back home. We played outside till the rain started and then it becomes a struggle to find fun and interesting things to do. Wellington likes to watch TV and so I let him watch a soccer game... can you imagine soccer on basic TV? I told him there is little soccer on TV in the US. I told him about American Football but he asked about baseball. The children are learning more English each day and they may not say everything they know. We will ask them to do something in English and sometimes they will do it... so I guess they are beginning to understand. Gabe has his fussy times still but is getting better. This weather is not ideal for asthma so he probably will not be 110% till we get to Rio or home. If people knew everything about adoption or what they would encounter; there would probably be fewer adoptions. Not that they are all bad... they can and are demanding. That said I think it would be good for every Christian to be involved in the adoption process. Obviously I don't think everyone should adopt a child/children into their family. Not everyone is called to do this. However, everyone has something to offer the families that do adopt. I want to take a little time to point out some examples of things that can be done to help. I will also mention some names... but in doing so I will not remember everyone I should... but don't worry, God knows and will reward you for your faithfulness. How do you thank the people that are caring for your 5 children back home?? Thanks Terry and Kevin for taking on the 2 younger ones. You will never know what relief that brought us. Mom thanks for all the things you are doing... I won't even try to guess what you are doing with the 3 older ones. Also you (and dad) are to blame for the adoption... you raised me and taught me so you share some blame. Godly wisdom and advise from (I won't remember everyone) Pastor Goebert, Pastor Scott, Kevin F, Pastor Rich etc. MaryJane Dunn for e-mailing and encouraging us for the last year (they adopted 5 from Brazil last year), Kevin Foster for the fundraising dinner idea, and for all the generous people who helped financially. Then there are people like Greg Millard, Larry Minor, Jeff Hall and Steve Baker who helped get the basement ready (added a bath, bedroom, and office). Barry Mowry family... keeping a watch on the homestead, meals from Mary, boys doing chores when needed. Luciana from LIMIAR (if you want to adopt from Brazil... use them), Mary Holtapp from Bethany Christian Services (great for domestic and Int'l adoptions and foster care). Frank Gorsline shares blame in this. Two years ago he dragged my family and me to Brazil for a 2 week mission trip... we were at an orphanage on that trip and rest is history. (Frank you should come and visit me... you owe me a churrascadia (spelling) ). Everyone who has and is praying for us, is heavily involved with adoption. You are approaching God's throne on behalf of these children. What greater thing can anyone do? Please keep praying. (Health is a concern as Rebekah and I are getting sick and I think Lidiane is as well.) Our home church Factoryville Bible also Calvary Baptist, and North Bridge Church. These are a few examples of people involved in adoption. So like the old poster that has a picture of Uncle Sam on it and says, "I need you"; imagine a picture of a child in need of a family and the words saying, "Get involved"
God Bless you all,
Tina said that you were there, finally bringing your children home. Been praying for you here in NE and will continue to. Congratulations! Thank you for your faithfulness to the LORD.