So far today has been more quiet and relaxed. Most all of the guests left before we went to cafe (breakfast). We went to the playground, made things with play dough, played catch, books, etc. I went to a grocery store for food for lunch and dinner. I didn't get off easy as they don't seem to have peanut butter here. But as I watch the children and see and realize all the work there is to do, it would be easy to ask why would I or should I adopt. Then it struck me! Why should God want to adopt me as His child. I know when He first looked at me, He knew there was going to be a tremendous amount of work. Doesn't God have enough things going on in the world?? The continual issues in the Middle East, famine, natural disasters, dictators suppressing people, politics (ok let's not go there). So the answer to my question: Why would God want to adopt me? Because He loves me... always has... always will. What great comfort to know that. Nothing can separate me from His love. When the four children run screaming down the hall and I say "No, No, No... no running... walk. They keep going. But I want obedience. I spoke... didn't they hear my voice? Do they know who I am?? When we are newly adopted into God's family, do we hear God? Do we need to learn what God wants us to do, and expects of us? Obedience?? We could say to God, "What am I doing wrong... I'm just having fun like always. I am not doing anything wrong." Slowly, and in His way; God will begin to work in us. But for the beginning He will give us milk. So I need to remember the children will not always understand what is expected of them. I must start with simple words not eloquent language that is meant to impress. Words... simple words... come, stay, please, thank you, good, yes, no, and one word they really have no good concept of... father. Just like most newly adopted into God's family probably don't completely understand their heavenly Father. So for now, I will speak their language so they can learn my language and my love.
I had this on my mind and wanted send it while I had a few minutes. We sure do miss our family and church family, especially on Sunday. Pray that our luggage arrives tomorrow. Lino will meet with us Mon afternoon to exchange money and get other necessary things (I forgot my jacket) at the local Walmart... Yes! that's right! a Walmart. I will see if they have peanut butter there. Wellington is feeling better today, and little by little is coming out of his shell. They all are saying a few English words, even Gabriel. Mom has taught him to say "I love you". The girls are listing all the kids names and are realizing there are 9!!! We have made it thru 3 days with the kids. When we have needed anything the people hear at Lar Betania have been gracious and helped us. They are a blessing and answer to prayer. Please keep praying for good health for all of us.
I am so excited to see that you guys have a blog, it's going to be so much fun reading about your experiences. I can't believe we were there just over a year ago going through the same thing. We are praying for a smooth transition for you guys and the kids. Please keep posting pictures as well. Mary Jane